What's a rhyming word for "CAT"?
Examples: rat, mat, hat, sat, etc.
What is:
8 x 7 =
True or False?
Windshield wipers were invented in Alabama?
How many total minutes are in an hour?
60 minutes
Any correct examples will be awarded points.
Definition: They're people, places, things, or ideas...
Give an example of a verb. (NOT the definition.)
Any correct example will be awarded the points.
Definition: Action words
I have 36 apples in a basket. Kay has 89 apples. How many more apples does Kay have than me?
89-36= 53 more apples than me
What is the state capitol of Alabama?
What is the fastest land animal?
The cheetah
How many vowel sounds are in this word:
She thinks her collection of baseball cards is worthless. What does worthless mean?
Not valuable, not worth any money
I have a dozen eggs. Jim has 37 eggs. How many eggs do we have in all?
37 + 12 = 49 eggs in all (Dozen = 12)
What is the name of the toy cowboy in the movie "Toy Story"?
What color are the Smurfs?
My friend from the Bahamas really suffers during the winter in cold Chicago. What does "suffers" mean in this sentence?
The friend is not used to the cold weather in Chicago. The Bahamas is traditionally warm and Chicago during the winter is COLD.
True or False:
The girl has a bubbly personality. She is well-liked by her peers. The word "bubbly" in this sentence is acting like a VERB.
False - It is acting like an ADJECTIVE. It describes the girl.
I left home at 8:15 a.m. I have to be at school by 9:00 a.m. How long did I travel?
45 minutes
What color are the stars on the United States flag?
What superhero can climb up walls and buildings?
What part of speech is the word "angrily" in this sentence?
The tiger roared angrily when he saw the herd of elephants.
Angrily is an ADVERB. It's telling us more about how the tiger roared. (-ly)
I sprinted across the running track at school. What does sprinted mean in this sentence?
Sprinted means ran very quickly.
The remainder is 4.
(The whole number is 13.)
How many pairs of wings do bees have? (A pair = 2)
2 pairs (so four total wings)
Two of the planets in our solar system begin with the letter M, can you name them?
Mars and Mercury