Finish all the food
Eat up
Wear clothes.
Put on
End a romantic relationship.
Break up
Begin a journey.
Set off
To suddenly stop talking, often due to shyness or fear.
Clam up
Cook something by frying.
Fry up
Remove clothes.
Take off
Reconcile after an argument.
Make up
Register at a hotel or airport.
Check in
To complete something quickly and easily.
Whip through
When liquid spills out of a pot while boiling.
Boil over
Test clothes to see if they fit.
Try on
Have a good relationship with someone.
Get along with
Go on a vacation.
Get away
To separate or transfer part of a business or organization.
Hive off
Start eating enthusiastically.
Dig in
Fasten buttons.
Button up
Date someone.
Go out with
Return to a place.
Head back
To have a strong desire for something.
Hanker after
Reduce the amount of food consumed.
Cut down on
Make clothes smaller by sewing.
Take in
Repair a damaged relationship.
Patch up
Leave someone or something at a place.
Drop off
To cleverly avoid doing something.
Wangle out of