What is the capital of tradein egypt
Is what Thebes
Why did the Middle Kingdom end
is what people started to take back land
What is the god of death
What is Anubis
What two forms of transportation did the Egyptians use to trade?
What is caravans and ships
What kind of writing system did they use
Is what hieroglyphs
What is the main tech gain
is what agriculture
What is the top rank of government
What is pharoah
What did the Syrians bring to trade?
What is copper and turquoise
The first grat woman pharoah
is what hatshepsut
What is a sacred animal
is what cats
What did the Egyptians trade
Is what grains and semiprecious stones
egyptian language
Is what ancient egyptian
what kind of government did they have?
What is monarchy
What kind of mythology did they believe
What is Polytheistic
What did the Egyptians get from the Nubians
What is gold, ebony, ivory, and incense
who is the Egyptian sun god
What is Amon-Ra Saint Brown aka:Ra