Who was president during the War of 1812
James Madison
Which act forbid trade with Britain and France
Nonintercourse act
Who led the Battle of New Orleans?
Andrew Jackson
Which battle was fought after the peace treaty was signed?
Battle of New Orleans
Who invented the cotton gin?
Eli Whitney
What political party were James Madison and James Monroe part of
Democratic Republicans
Which bill opened trade to the whole world
Macon's bill no.2
Which treaty ended the War of 1812?
Treaty of Ghent
What building did the British burn down
What rule was created for the US flag?
Each new state adds 1 star to the flag
Who was the 5th president of the US and fought with George Washington
James Monroe
Missouri Compromise
Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner?
Francis Scott Key
In which setting were the Americans most successful?
Who wanted to expand America westward and fight the British?
Which future president led the battle of Tippecanoe?
William Henry Harrison
This would create a tax on imported items
Tariff of 1816
Name the 3 main reasons why Congress declared war for the War of 1812
impressment of sailors, blockading trade, incitement of Native American attacks
What was the battle between Native Americans and US troops
Battle of Tippecanoe
In which Treaty did the US receive Florida from Spain?
Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819
Who tricked President Madison by promising to stop seizing American ships?
Which bill did Madison veto?
Calhoun's Bonus Bill
During the War of 1812, who were the British most concerned with fighting at first?
Name 1 reason why the US was confident they would win the war.
allies with Napoleon, take over Canada, greater population than Canada, French would not help British, better ships
Name the leaders of the Warhawks
Henry Clay and John C Calhoun