Draw the highest part of a wave and name it.
Student should draw it and the name is CREST
Is the maximum displacement of a wave from its resting position?
Name two things that causes waves.
Answer could be: wind, earthquakes, volcanoes, meteorits or asteroids, and landslides
Name the 3 types of waves.
Transverse waves, longitudinal waves, surface waves
Is any disturbance that transfers energy through matter or empty space?
Name the 3 parts of a wave
Crest, Rest or equillibrium position and trough
Wavelength, Amplitude, Frequency, Period or Speed.
Blows across the water's surface and transfers energy to the water.
How does the surface waves occur?
•These waves occur at the interface between two media (like water and air).
Is the highest point of a wave?
What is the Trough?
The lowest point of a wave.
What does speed tell us in wave?
How fast the wave is traveling.
Underwater __________________ can cause waves to form in the ocean
The particles of the medium move parallel to the direction the waves travels.
Longitudinal waves.
Is the lowest point of a wave?
Is the equilibrium position of a wave?
Is the time it takes for one complete wave cycle to pass a given point.
Underwater _____________ are another source of energy that can cause waves to form.
The particles of the medium move perpendicular to the direction the wave travels
Is a measurement of how much time it takes for a wave to pass the fixed point?
Wave period
Draw a wave and write each part of it.
Student should do the same drawing as we did in class.
Name the two types of frequency that waves have.
High and low frequency
________________ displace water and cause waves.
Give examples of transverse waves
•Examples: Light waves, water waves (surface), and S-waves (seismic waves).
Mention 3 words from the vocabulary.
Might be: wave, ocean wave, crest, trough, wavelength, wave period, mechanical wave, tsunami