Louisiana gets its name from this European ruler.
King Louis XIV of France.
Louisiana doesn’t call them counties.
It's what Andrew Jackson is known as Louisiana
The Hero of New Orleans
This is the Louisiana state flower.
The Magnolia.
This national airlines evolved from a crop-dusting operation in Monroe, LA.
This is the oldest settlement.
Natchitoches 1714.
It's the capital of Louisiana.
Baton Rouge.
The Battle of New Orleans was fought in this year.
This is the Louisiana state bird.
Brown pelican.
Joseph Biedenharn was the first bottler of this popular beverage.
Coca Cola.
The year of the Louisiana Purchase.
The Louisiana State Capitol is the tallest in the nation at this many feet.
The song “The Battle of New Orleans” was recorded by this artist.
Johnny Horton.
Louisiana is home to this many species of crawfish.
This Sugar refinery near Chalmette is the largest sugar processing facility in North America.
He sold Louisiana.
It's the Louisiana state motto.
"Union, Justice, and Confidence"
Jackson was this president of the United States.
The Mississippi River drainage basin is the fourth largest in the world. Name two of the other three that exceed Mississippi.
Amazon, Congo and Nile rivers.
Antoine’s Restaurant in New Orleans is the oldest of these in the US.
Family restaurant.
He bought Louisiana.
It's the name of the Louisiana state song?
"Give a Little Whistle"
Jackson appears on this US currency.
The $20.
Spanish moss grows in live oak and bald cypress trees throughout the Louisiana and is a member of this family.
This patent was one of the first ever submitted from LA, in 1870.
Tabasco Sauce.