what are wheels used for today
transportation: cars/busses/trains/bicycles
what is the name for cars that drive by themselves
self-driving cars
Where was he born?
he was born in Vinci Italy
what was he famous for?
making products from peanuts
Name one future invention
e-paper/3d printer/active contact lenses
how did the wheel make life easier
many answers: we can travel easier, it helps to carry things...
what came before cars
What job is he known for other than being an artist?
He is known for being a scientist and an inventor
wat two things did he enjoy?
science and art
what could you do with a 3d printer
print a copy of anything
what vehicles with wheels are pulled by animals?
where was the first car made?
name two of his famous artworks
Mona lisa, the last supper
where was he born (not country)?
on a small farm
What will e-paper do?
it will display words and pictures
in different countries, the wheel is a symbol for what?
life cycle/health and strength/ the sun
who improved how fast the cars go?
henry ford
What 2 things was he interested in and sketched?
the human body and flying machines
what did he become an expert in?
what is the first step to print something in 3d?
you need to download a pattern
what did ancient people use the wheel for?
they used them to make pots, baskets and powder
who invented the first engine for cars
karl benz
at what age did Da Vinci start learning art?
about 14 years old
how did he help farmers?
he helped them grow better crops
What will active contact lenses have?
they will have tiny lasers and mirrors