Name two freedoms that the First Amendment protects.
Freedom of speech and freedom of religion (also: press, assembly, and petition)
What does the Second Amendment protect?
Right to own guns (weapons).
Unfair searches and seizures.
The police are allowed to ask questions?
What does the Sixth Amendment say about trials?
Fair and speedy.
How does the First Amendment protect freedom of religion?
Allows any religion.
What are two reasons people think owning guns is important?
Protection and hunting.
Warrant or good reason.
You can't be charged for the same crime twice is?
Double Jeopardy
Why is it important for people to have a lawyer?
Help in court.
What does freedom of the press allow people to do?
Share news freely.
Gun laws can legally be passed for........
Why do police usually need a warrant before searching someone’s property?
Protects your privacy rights.
What does "due process" mean?
Fair Trial
What is an example of "cruel and unusual punishment"?
Extreme jail time, huge fines.
What would happen if people did not have freedom of speech?
No sharing of opinions
What is a militia?
Citizen acting as soldiers.
Can police take your things without a reason?
Can the government take land from people?
Yes, if for a public use.
How does bail help people waiting for trial?
Stay out temporarily.
Students retain their right to free speech as long as......
It doesn't disrupt the learning environment
How are guns different today than when the Second Amendment was written?
Guns are advanced.
If police stop a car for speeding, can they search the trunk without permission or a warrant? Why or why not?
No, unless there is probable cause.
Why does the Fifth Amendment protect people from self-incrimination.
Prevents forced confessions.
Why do you think the Eighth Amendment protects people from unfair punishment?
Prevents harsh treatment.