В спальне есть рыба
There is a fish in the bedroom
В парке есть велосипеды?
Are there any bikes in the park?
There is five cats in the living room
There are five cats in the living room
Is there a school? +
Yes, there is
В спальне есть стол
There is a table in the bedroom
В машине есть собака?
Is there a dog in the car?
There are plane in the sky
There is a plane in the sky
Are there two kites? -
No, there aren't
dining room
На кухне есть четыре стула
There are four chairs in the kitchen
Сколько детей в парке?
How many children are there in the park?
There are nine bikes in the park?
Are there nine bikes in the park?
Are there four dogs? +
Yes, there are
В подвале есть восемь коробок
There are eight boxes in the cellar
Сколько воздушных змеев?
How many kites are there ?
Is there are school?
Is there a school?
Is there a cat? -
В столовой есть три паука
There are three spiders in the dining room
На кухне есть стол?
Is there a table in the kitchen?
How many ducks is there ?
How many ducks are there ?