What should you do if you want to give a friend a hug?
What is ask permission?
If you want to use an image or a quote that someone else created, you have to do this first?
What is get permission
Which astronomer is named- dropped in "Bohemian Rhapsody?"
Who is Galileo?
List three types of short term effects on the body?
What is increased heart rate, bad breath, stained teeth?
One gigabyte is equal to how many megabytes?
What is 1000?
What kind of voice should you use in the classroom?
What is quiet, or inside voices?
If you are being mean to someone, even after school you could be what from school?
What is suspended?
Which members of the avengers had a brief stint as a pop star?
Who is brie Larson?
How much longer do nonsmokers live than smokers?
What is 10 years longer?
The process of Securing Data by transferring it into an unreadable format?
What is Encryption?
When you are talking to someone what are 2 things you should be doing to show respect?
What is look them in the eyes, use a calm voice, say please and thank you?
How long does the information that share about yourself( including pictures) stay on the internet?
What is forever?
Who is the only country artist to have a top 20 hit on the billboard hot country songs chart for 6 straight decades?
Who is Dolly Parton?
How long does it take for one's heart rate to drop back to normal?
What is 20 minutes?
What programming language is named after a type of Indonesian coffee?
What is Java?
What is the golden rule?
What is treat others the way you want to be treated?
Insulting an individual online to provoke them to get a response?
What is trolling?
Who sang the Spongebob Squarepants theme song for the movie?
Who is Avril Lavigne?
Electronic cigarettes can produce high levels of what carcinogen?
What is formaldehyde?
What does JRPG stand for?
What is Japanese role -playing game?
Name the four parts of a good apology?
What is look them in the eye, use a kind voice, say why you are sorry and how u plan to change the behavior?
Copying something you see online exactly and claiming it as your own is wrong and its called this?
What is plagiarism?
What rolling stones song title is also a restaurant chain?
What is Ruby Tuesday?
What are the effects on a body collectively known as?
what is Pharmacokinetics effects?
What is the name of the new state of matter created by Microsoft last week for quantum computing?
What is Majorana Particles?