Augustus was the first one of these of Rome
What is Emperor?
This was the official language of the Roman Empire
What is Latin?
Muhammad denounced the practice of this, which caused the leaders is Mecca to be upset with him
What is Polytheism?
This man caused a revolt in Mecca and was the founder of Islam
Who is Muhammad?
These two brothers founded the city of Rome
Who are Romulus and Remus?
Augustus began a 200 year of peace and prosperity in Rome, which became known as ________
What is the Pax Romana?
This is known as the holy book of Islam
This Roman emperor put an end to the persecution of Christians
Who is Constantine?
The Roman government used this method to stop Jesus from spreading his ideas
What is they crucified him?
This Ancient Greek city is known as the 'birthplace of Democracy'
What is Athens?
This man was Augustus' uncle, who got assassinated by the Roman senate (There's even a Shakespeare play about him!)
Who is Julius Caesar?
This term refers to a ornate writing style that was popularized by Islamic empires
What is Calligraphy?
What is Toleration?
This term refers to a sudden lack of leadership, particularly when an empire collapses
What is a Power Vacuum?
This was the last queen of Egypt before Rome conquered it (She actually had an affair with Julius Caesar)
Who is Cleopatra?
"I found Rome a city built of bricks and _______________."
What is "left it built a city of marble?"
Roman poetry was based on ______ traditions
What is Greek?
Much of our understanding of the historical Jesus comes from these four books written by his followers
What are the Gospels?
This was the title for the ruler of an Islamic empire
What is Sultan?
Alexander the Great ruled this country, before conquering the entire known world
What is Greece?
This was his name before he became known as Augustus
What is Octavian?
This city became an important center of learning in Muslim Spain
What is Córdoba?
Muhammad heard the voice of this angel when he had his first religious experience
Who is the Angle Gabriel?
This is the Arabian Peninsula's most important city
What is Mecca?
This was how long the '100-Year War' lasted
What is 116 years?