In the 1900’s, this book was the nation’s most honored book
The Titantic sunk of the coast of this country
November 11, 1918
Date the Central powers surrendered. Now Veterans Day
British naturalist who rejected the Scriptures and developed a theory that tried to prove man had evolved from animals
Charles Darwin
Name the President that said “The strength of the nation depends upon the character of the people”
Calvin Coolidge
Roosevelt sent __(how many) new battleships on a tour around the world. This tour showed the world that we were a major force that they could not attack without putting themselves in grave danger.
What were these ships called?
16;Great White Fleet
My motto was “Speak ____ and carry a big _____”
Teddy Roosevelt; softly; stick
Woodrow Wilson
first American president to give his inaugural address over the radio
Calvin Coolidge
If a government spends more money than it has, it may lose its _________ ___________.
purchasing power
in the 1900s, the US was the largest industrial nation in the world. However, in most communities, Sunday was strictly a day of ___ and ____.
rest and worship
The ruler of Germany in WW1
Kaiser Wilhelm II
People who still believed the fundamental truths of Christianity and the Bible
Famous lawyer who won the Scopes trial against evolution
William Jennings Bryan
I am the famous mail train that made my run from New York to Chicago in only 24 hours
FAST mail
The Zimmerman Note was a German letter promising_____(country) part of the US land if Germany won the war. It is this bold act that caused America to enter the war
Who said “The world must be made safe for democracy”
Woodrow Wilson
First superintendent of the school that would become Moody Bible Institute
RA Torrey
Spoke in universities and wrote books to refute evolution
Dr. Harry Rimmer
I died at the throttle while trying to slow down my crashing “Cannonball” to save the lives of my passengers
Casey Jones
The number of years the US stayed NUETRAL in the WW1
The years of the Great Depression
President during the Great Depression who created jobs through projects such as building highways, dams, and bridges who were then paid by the government
Franklin Roosevelt
What is the most hated nation in the world?