What is the focus of ecosystem dynamics?
A. Is it industrial development
B. Human population growth
C. Interconnectdess of ecosystems
D. Climate change
How do Lynx and Hare populations affect each other?
A. Hare eat lynx
B. Lynx & hares have no relationship
C. Hare rely on Lynx
D. Lynx depend on Hare for food
Why is maintaining connectivity between habitat fragments important?
A. To reduce plants
B. Prevent soil erosion
C. increases human access
D. support biodiversity
How does logging affect forests?
A. Help soil conservation
B. No impact
C. Cause significant forest alteration
D. Increase biodiversirty
What is the significant of the marine Mammmal protection act of 1972?
A. it encourages whailing
B. it protects marine mammals from harmful practices
C. it promotes fishing
D. Supports oil extracts
What does in invasive species mean?
A. Species that disrupt eco.
B. Species that enhance biodiversity
C. Species that are only in the area
D. Species that require humans
A. improved eco. health
B. decreases prey species
C. population imbalance
D. increase plants
What is "bycatch" in fishing?
A. the storage of fish
B. the process of het repair
C. the incidental capture of non-target organisms
D. the main target species
Who was a key figure in ecology?
A. Alexander Von Humboldt
B. Aristotle
C. Carl Linnaeus
D. Rachel Carson
What is habitat fragmentation?
A. Growing new plants
B. Combinning habitats
C. is it breaking the habitat into smaller pieces
D. expansion habitat
What is the impacted logging on forest ecosystem?
A. only effect plant species
B. have no impact
C. benificial for all wildlife
D. disrupts habitats and biodiversity
What is bottlenecking effect?
A. Method of resource extraction
B. Technique to conserve energy
C. Increases genetic mutant
D. Reduction in population size leading to biodiversity
What is one effect on habitat fargmentation on wildlife?
A. isolation of animal populations
B. increased genetic diversity
C. growth of new habitat
D. reduction in human activites
E. (idk the answer to this question)