I don't like coffee, (ale uwielbiam) ___ tea.
but I love
This cat is so funny. SUCH
This is _____ cat.
such a funny
My aunt / visit us / last weekend.
My aunt visited us last weekend.
Zapytaj siostrę co ma ochotę zjeść:
A) Will you regret your choice?
B) What do you fancy?
C) Can you order something?
Ten pies szczeka bardzo głośno.
This dog is barking very loudly.
(Zamierzamy) _____ to have barbecue this weekend.
We are going
They delivered the sofa yesterday. WAS
The sofa ____ yesterday.
was delivered
Listen! The phone / ring.
The phone is ringing.
Twój kolega wygrał konkurs. Co mu powiesz:
A) Hope you can make it.
B) Let me know how it goes.
C) That's wonderful news.
Ania jest zbyt niska by grać w koszykówkę.
Ania is too short to play basketball.
The museum was closed, so (nie mogliśmy wejść) inside.
we couldn't go
Why don't we have a picnic today? WANT
____ have picnic today?
Do you want to ...
My mum / watch / this programme / every Sunday.
My mum watches this programme every Sunday.
Chcesz zjeść kanapkę kolegi. Co usłyszysz?
A) What does it mean?
B) Do you mean it?
C) By all means!
To zdjęcie należało do mojego dziadka.
This photo belonged to my grandpa.
Her new dishwasher stopped working so she (złożyła reklamecję) ______ .
made a complaint
Frank enjoys painting. FOND
Frank ____ painting
is fond of
I / not eat / since / early morning.
I haven't eaten since early morning.
Chcesz się dowiedzieć jaki zawód wykonuje twój znajomy. Jak zapytasz:
A) What do you do?
B) What do you like doing?
C) How do you do?
Właśnie kupiłem nowe słuchawki.
I have just bought new headphones.
Summer holidays are soon and I (nie mogę się doczekać) to meeting my cousins.
am looking forward
I often played basketball when I was a child. USED
I ____ when I was a child.
used to play basketball
He / sleep / while / his older sister / study for the test.
He was sleeping while his older sister was studying for the test.
Ktoś zepsuł ci zegarek. Jak (kulturalnie) zareagujesz?
A) Oh, no. I need a break!
B) Oh, it is broken now!
C) What did it break?!
Nowe centrum handlowe zostanie wkrótce otwarte.
A new shopping centre will be opened soon.