When is Jaiden’s Birthday? (00/00/0000)
February 25, 2001
What did Jaiden get her Degree in?
Film and Media
Who is the first black to run for President?
Shirley Chisholm
What is the one color Jaiden dye her hair?
Blonde Darling!!
Is Jaiden the 1st, 3rd, or 4th grandchild on both sides?
Where was Jaiden born?
Atlanta, Ga
Where did Jaiden get her degree from?
Georgia State University
What was the first HBCU in the United States?
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
How many tattoos does Jaiden has?
Do Jaiden have pets?
What is Jaiden’s mom name?
List 2 jobs on a film set that Jaiden has done!
PA, Wardrobe, UPM, 2nd AD, Script Supervisor, Director
Finish this lyric: Starting to see spaceships….
On Bankheeaaaddddddd!
Where do Jaiden have a dimple at?
Left Cheekbone
Name a sport Jaiden has done:
Gymnastics, Cheer, Dance
How many siblings do Jaiden have?
None pookie, c’mon now!
What does Jaiden want to do in her career?
Creative Producer / Publicist
What does NAACP stand for?
National Association for the Advancement of Color People
What body feature on Jaiden is her favorite?
Where did Jaiden grow up?
Clay Co!!!
Name the person Jaiden had a bedroom set of growing up!
Hannah Montana
What artist did Jaiden work for while in Ghana?
India Arie
Name 3 Black Sitcoms!
What body part does Jaiden want to get pierced?
Have her tell it👀
Jaiden‘s Favorite Color?