This literary device compares two unlike things using "like" or "as."
What is a simile?
The words spoken by characters in a play.
What is dialogue?
A statement that expresses a position or belief.
What is a claim?
"The old house was dilapidated, with peeling paint and broken windows; it was clear no one had lived there for years."
What is a word that means "run-down" or "in a state of disrepair"?
Hints or clues about events that will happen later in a story.
What is foreshadowing?
The pattern of rhyming lines in a poem.
What is Rhyme Scheme?
Instructions in a play that tell actors how to move and speak.
What are stage directions?
Information used to support a claim.
What is evidence?
"Although she was usually quite reserved, her face was radiant when she saw her friends, shining with happiness."
What is a word that means "glowing" or "bright with joy"?
The speed at which a story unfolds.
What is pacing?
The use of vivid and descriptive language to add depth to their work. It appeals to the readers' senses.
What is imagery?
The large divisions within the structure of the play (similar to chapters in book)
What is an Act?
An opposing viewpoint to a claim.
What is a counterclaim (also accept counter argument)?
"The speaker's eloquence was evident in her carefully chosen words and smooth delivery, captivating the entire audience."
What is a word that means "fluent or persuasive speaking or writing"?
The feeling of excitement or tension that readers experience as they wait to find out what will happen.
What is suspense?
A poem's version of a paragraph.
What is a stanza?
The subdivision of an act in a play (similar to a subchapter in a book); takes place in one location.
What is a scene?
Errors in reasoning that weaken an argument. Some examples include circular reasoning, bandwagon, and Ad Hominem.
What are Logical Fallacies?
"Despite the harsh criticism, the artist remained undaunted, continuing to work with the same passion and determination."
What is a word that means "not discouraged or intimidated"?
This literary element uses things like bad weather, creepy locations, and dark nights to help build suspense.
What is setting?
Type of capitalization and punctuation a poem uses, the length of the lines, and the positioning of the words.
What are graphical elements? (will also accept form)
A situation in which the audience knows something that a character does not.
What is dramatic irony?
Part of an argument that addresses and counters opposing viewpoints or counterarguments, presenting evidence and reasoning to demonstrate why their original argument remains valid despite the counterclaim
What is a rebuttal?
"The scientist's hypothesis, a proposed explanation for the phenomenon, was based on years of meticulous observation and research."
What is a word that means "a proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation"?
This literary element, crafted through word choice and sentence structure, can create an atmosphere of foreboding, uncertainty, or dread, keeping the reader on edge.
What is tone?