This is Amma's age.
What is 25?
This is Amma's best friend.
Aunty Lakshi
This is the city where Amma attended undergrad.
What is Bloomington, Illinois?
This is Baskin Robbin's order.
What is pralines and cream?
This is the color of Amma's hair highlight.
What is red?
This is the year Amma and Thaththa got married.
What is 1998?
This is Amma's least favorite aunty in the camping crowd.
Defer to Amma
This is where Amma worked directly after undergrad.
This is Amma's Panda Express order.
What is bowl with chow mein and kung pao chicken?
Also accepted:
What is plate with chow mein and 2x kung pao chicken?
This is Amma's funniest joke.
This is the year Amma graduated from Illinois Wesleyan.
What is 1994?
This is the correct spelling of Amma's maiden name.
What is
S U R I A R A C H C H I?
This is the title of Amma's role at Chevron.
What is Human Resources Business Partner?
What is Chicken curry?
also accepted:
What is Caramel Pudding?
What is hoppers?
This is the actor who would play Amma in a biopic.
Who is Dwayne the Rock Johnson?
These are the years of Amma's reign as president of the Cantabile board.
What is 2021-2023?
This is the name of the song Amma dedicated to Aththamma at the Pioneer's fundraiser.
What is Top of the World
This is the college within Texas A&M at which Amma got her masters.
What is Lowry College of Business?
What is Texas A&M College of Education?
This is Amma and Thaththa's critique of all food.
What is "Needs salt"?
This is the political party of the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka who Amma met recently.
What is NPP (National People's party)?
This is the day of the week on which Amma was born.
What is Thursday?
IDK but defer to Amma
This is the follower-count on Amma's linkedin profile.
What is 1412?
+- 10 accepted
This is the dish that started beef between Aunty Gwen and Aunty Charika.
This is the thing Amma pointed out was most impressive with the statues when we visited Italy.
What is the statue's feet?