Shastriji Maharaj in 1907
Who was Ravan's sister?
Real names of his parents + last name
Hariprasad and Premvati/Murti
Where did MSM receive his initiation? When?
11 May 1961
How many kids did Dashrath Raja have? Name them
Ram Bhagwan, Lakshman, Shatrugna, Bharat
Which 5 mandirs did Shastriji Maharaj build?
Bochasan, Sarangpur, Gondal, Atladra and Gadhada
4, Yajur Veda, Sam Veda, Atharva Veda, Rig Veda
What question did Neelkanth Varni ask on his vicharan?
Where and Who successfully answered this question?
Jiva, Iswar, Maya, Brahma and Parbrahma
Muktanand Swami in Loj (Ramanand Swami's Ashram)
Sadhu Keshavjivandas was appointed as the head of which mandir after being initiated as sadhu in what year?
Dadar Mandir (Mumbai), 1961
What does Tilak Chandlo represent?
Bhagwan and the Bhakta
What are the parents names of and Shastriji Maharaj?
Dhoribhai Patel and Hetba Patel
Who were Krishna Bhagwan's real and adopted parents?
Devki and Vasudev
Yashoda and Nandkishore
What was the length of Neelkanth Varni's vicharan across India?
7 years, 1 month, and 11 days
Where and what did Mahant Swami Maharaj study in college?
Agriculture, Anand
Sydney, Australia during 2022 Shatabdi Celebrations
Which 5 annual waterless fasts has Shāstriji Mahārāj commanded us to do?
Swāminārāyan Jayanti (Rām Navmi), Dev Podhi Ekādashi, Janmāshtami, Jal-Jhilani Ekādashi, Dev Uthi Ekādashi.
Who made the Shiv Tandav?
What three things where placed in front of toddler Ghanshyam by Markandeya Muni and what did they symbolise?
Plate of Gold Coins = tradesman/entrepreneur
A Small Dagger = warrior/king
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita = religious scholar
In 2017, Mahant Swami Maharaj spoke in this prestigious venue in the United States, spreading the message of spirituality and social harmony.
UN Headquarters
How many avatars are there? Name any of the 5
When Shastriji Maharaj got arthiritis, he was carried by haribhaktos and visited _____?
Name 3 of the Upanishads
Isha, Kena, Katha, Prashan, Mundaka, Mandukya, Tattiriya, Aitareya, Chhandogya and Brihadaranyaka
273 Vachanamruts, 212 Shikshapatri
When did Mahant Swami Maharaj start and end writing the Satsang Diksha? (dates)
Vasant Panchmi, V.S. 2076 (30 January 2020)
Completed on Swaminarayan Jayanti (2 April 2020).
What are the 5 sacred Sarovars? (main)
Man Sarovar, Bindu Sarovar, Narayan Sarovar, Pampa Sarovar and Pushkar Sarovar