John 1:5 references this name of God.
What is "Jehovah-Or: The Lord of Light"?
Jehovah Yahweh means this in English.
What is "The Self-Existent, Unchanging One"?
The Most High King of Kings is this in Hebrew.
BOTH TEAMS ANSWER: Our belief in the Holy God is reflected in how we do this.
What is "Honor and regard Him as set apart and be holy as He is holy, relying on the blood of Christ for our eternal standing"?
RUBBER DUCK: David tending to his flock and the angel's appearance to the shepherds at Christmas is in reference to this name of God.
What is "Jehovah Rohi: The Lord our Shepherd"?
RUBBER DUCK: Luke 8:24 references this name of God.
What is "Adonai: Lord, Master"?
Elohim means this in English.
What is "Strong Creator"?
God Almighty is this in Hebrew.
What is "El Shaddai"?
Our belief in God as a Strong Creator is reflected when we do these things.
What is "Praise Him for His beautiful design of the world. Acknowledge His glory written in His creation. Seek to understand better the world of His design"?
BOTH TEAMS ANSWER: Moses holding up his arms as Israel fought the Amelekites, and Christs being raised on a tree are both examples of this name for God.
What is "Jehovah Nissi: The Lord my Banner"?
Philippians 4:7 references this name of God.
What is "Jehovah Shammah: The Lord is Peace"?
RUBBER DUCK: Jehovah Shalom means this in English.
What is "The Lord is Peace"?
BOTH TEAMS ANSWER: The God Who Sees is this in Hebrew.
What is "El Roi"?
Our belief in Jehovah Maginnenu ought to influence this.
What is "We should rely on the Lord is times of adversity, knowing that, as in ages past, He will defend His people, even from themselves and their own sin"?
The entire Sermon on the Mount and the giving of the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai are both examples of this name for God.
What is "Jehovah El-Emeth: The Lord God of Truth"?
BOTH TEAMS ANSWER: Romans 3:4 references this name of God.
What is "Jehovah El-Emeth: The Lord God of Truth"?
Jehovah Rophe means this in English.
What is "The Lord Who Heals"?
RUBBER DUCK: The Lord of Hosts is this in Hebrew.
What is "Jehovah Sabaoth"?
Our belief in Jehovah Jireh is reflected by how we do this.
What is "We trust Him for our daily provision and do not lean on our own efforts even and especially as it applies to our salvation."
Isaiah putting the coal to his lips and baptism and transfiguration of Jesus are all examples of this Hebrew name of God.
What is "Elohim Kedoshim"?
Psalm 23 references this Hebrew name of God.
What is "Jehovah Rohi"?
BOTH TEAMS ANSWER: El Emunah means this in English.
What is "The Faithful God"?
The Lord our Defense is this in Hebrew.
What is "Jehovah Maginnenu"?
RUBBER DUCK: I Samuel 16:7 teaches us about a particular aspect of God that we should respond to in this way.
Matthew 9:20-22 references this Hebrew name for God.