who said o how great the planof our god
Dieter.f uchtdorf
Who were the four brothers who went back home to get the plates
Nephi, Laman, Lemuel, Sam
Two US wars had battles that were fought in Yorktown, Virginia. Which two wars were they?
The American Revolution and the Civil War
This person likes soccer and is good at swimming. And likes Madden
Which planet has the most volcanoes
Who talked about " The Soul's Sincere Desire"
Hint: Woman
Carol F. McConkie
Who was sent by God to Noah's people? He was to warn them that if they did not repent they would become the Lamanites' slaves
List the continents from largest to smallest
Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia
she plays soccer she swims and she plays soccer and likes to read to Brigham
how many ribs does a human have
who said the talk A witness of god
neil .L Anderson
He rebelled and tried to destroy the Church but had a change of heart and began teaching the gospel. He became the leader of the Church and the first chief judge
Alma the Younger
Which Queen of England was also celebrated for writing poetry
Queen Elizabeth I
This person likes to paint, soccer, volleyball, and swimming
true or flalse Australia is wider than the moon
Who said " Abide in My Love"
D. Todd Christofferson
Which famous Roman leader introduced the leap year
Julius Caesar
This person enjoys reading books, the outdoors and sleeping. He also gives great snuggles
How many keys does a piano have
Who said " Be Ambitious for Christ"
Kazuhiko Yamashita
He was a son of King Mosiah and a missionary to the Lamanites
what is the longest raddle snake
dimond back raddle snake
This person is very spiritual guy. I love him so much. And he is a Tibbitts
Grandpa Tibbitts
What is the pythagorean theorem
a2+b2 =c2