What do you think my favorite color is?
shades of pink and orange
What do you think is one important rule in this program
Respect, no judgement, not talking mess....etc.
What is one healthy way to handle stress?
Deep breathing, talking to someone, listening to music, scrolling on tik tok/Instagram, etc.
Everyone answers
Scale of 1-5 (1=super awkward, 5 = I could talk to anyone)
How comfortable are you talking to new people?
How many pets do think I have?
2 dogs
You're out!!!! Just Kidding...if you miss you miss we will see you next time.
True or False: Ignoring your emotions will make them go away.
Would you rather have the ability to fly or be invisible?
How often do you express how you're really feeling?
What is one fun activity I might like to do outside of work?
Travel, workout, go to the arcade with my kids, go to dinner. Try new food places
What do think this program is designed to help you with?
communication, anger management, social skills, school life, academics.
Imagine this: You're super frustrated because a teacher or AP accused you of something and now you super mad. What's one way you could calm down before reacting?
Deep breaths, walk away and organize your thoughts. Ignore them
What is one goal you have for this school year?
Give me a goal ( take a shot at it, even if your not sure)
How do you handle conflict?
(1= being not so good, 5= I'm great at no issues)
Using your fingers give show me your answers
If I could travel anywhere in the world, where do you think I'd go?
Thailand or Bali
What do think is one way we show respect in this group?
Listening, not interrupting, being kind.....
What do you think is better when you're mad:
A) Crashing out (get your lick back) or
B) Finding an healthy alternative to calm down (deep breaths, counting backwards, pleasant imagery)
Expressing emotions in a healthy way is hard. Even for me sometimes, and there a ways to help you stay calm in stressful moments.
If you could have any superpower what would it be?
Let's hear it
How easy is it for you to ask for help when you need it? (1= I'd rather struggle alone, 5=I have no problem asking for help!)
Using your fingers show me your answers
What do you think is something I love about my job?
Being able to help you when you feel you have no one else. Being a support, a safe space all in all I love working with kids.
What is one thing you hope to get out of this program?
Reflection...No wrong answer
What's one song, movie, or hobby that helps you chill or when you're stressed?
No wrong answer, your thoughts
What is something you're really good at?
It could be anything>>>>>Let's hear it
You’re walking down the hall when an assistant principal gives you a look that feels weird or disrespectful. Maybe they’re just looking around, but it feels like they’re targeting you. What do you do?
A) Stare back and make it obvious you noticed
B) Say, “What are you looking at?” in an annoyed tone
C) Ignore it and keep walking
D) Assume they’re not actually thinking about you and move on
👉 How would you react? Hold up 1-5 fingers based on how likely you’d choose one of these options!