What is the push or pull that can make an object move?
What force pulls objects toward the Earth?
This type of motion happens when an object moves back and forth, like a swing.
A pattern of motion
What is an electric charge?
A postive or negative charge
What is the area around a magnet where magnetic force acts?
A magnetic field
The position of an object compared to another object.
Relative Position
You need this to start or stop motion.
A force
How does mass affect motion?
The greater the mass of an object, the more force it will take for it to move.
What happens when two objects with the same charge come close?
They repel each other
What are some examples of objects that a magnetic force will act on?
Paperclips, coins, and other metal objects.
What is the movement of electric charged particles between objects that are not touching.
Static Electricity
How does mass affect motion?
he greater the mass of an object, the more force it will take for it to move.
What does the third law of motion state about forces?
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
What do we call materials that allow electric charges to flow through easily?
What happens when opposite poles of a magnet come together?
They repel each other
What is the area where a magnetic force acts called?
The Magnetic Field
What is the force that opposes the motion of an object sliding over a surface?
How can you predict how an object will move?
By observing its patterns of motion.
This is a source of energy that powers electrical devices.
A battery
What is the point where the magnetic force is the strongest called?
A magnetic pole
What is a force that does not need to touch an object to affect it.
A non-contact force
What is the term for two equal forces acting on an object in opposite directions?
Balanced Forces
What are two things that can change about a pattern of motion?
The speed and direction of an object.
A material that does not allow electricity to pass through easily is called this.
An insulator
A magnet that can be turned on and off using electricity is called this.