Edison's greatest challenge was the ....... of a practical light bulb. (develop)
Edison's greatest challenge was the development of a practical light bulb.
"back down" - translate into Russian
body .....
"Ulan is a laboratory technician," she said.
She said (that) Ulan is/was a laboratory technician.
stop trying (phrasal verb)
give up
"live down" - translate into Russian
...... intelligence
'I'm going to a medical conference this afternoon,' he said.
He said (that) he was going to a medical conference that afternoon.
Pepper can .... people up when it recognises a sad voice or body language!
Ulan should .............. on the amount of junk food he eats (reduce).
cut down
virtual .... ....
reality headset
'I've just finished my science project,' Henry told me.
Henry told me (that) he had just finished his science project.
The ability of computers or machines to have some qualities that the human mind has, such as decision-making and problem-solving, etc
Artificial intelligence (AI)
Jill was driving an old truck so she hoped it wouldn't ............ (stop working).
break down
I saw a funny robot telling .... on TV.
'We will conduct the experiment tomorrow,' Professor Damir said.
Professor Damir said (that) we/they would conduct the experiment the following/next day.