What is the chemical found inside a cigarette that causes addiction?
Flavor that can be added to e-cigarette juice
Cotton Candy
One word to describe an advocate
Brave, confident, fighter, determined, independent, problem-solver, caring, supportive, or teamwork.
Increase risk of _____
What is secondhand smoke?
Smoke from a cigarette
How many chemicals can be found in one cigarette?
Another name for e-cigarettes
Vapes, Vape Pens, etc.
Why is listening an important part of being an advocate?
It helps you understand the needs and concerns of others.
Decreased concentration and _____
Main psychoactive chemical found in marijuana
Over 2000
Common additive to vapes
Who do you trust to help you be a better self-advocate in a challenging situation?
Parents, guardians, grandparents, etc.
Higher odd of developing __________
What is thirdhand smoke?
Harmful chemicals left behind on surfaces after someone smokes or vapes.
What is the chemical that goes down into the lungs and doesn't allow them to expand fully?
Perfect of 8th graders who vaped nicotine during the last month.
Give an example of a small way you can be an advocate?
Sharing info, being kind, helping others who are struggle.
Higher or Lower Levels of Nicotine Addiction?
Demonstrate an appropriate way to say "NO" to a vape.
Telling them that their parents will find out and could smell it on them.
What are possible side effects of smoking cigarettes? (Give me 2)
Lung cancer, smell, stained teeth, etc.
What is the number one reason why teens try vaping?
To experiment
What is an advocate?
Means that you are willing to take a stand for something that is important to you.
Increased ____ rate and _____ pressure
Heart and Blood
What is the single most preventable cause of disease, disability, and death in America?