Where did the seeds need to land in order to grow?
good soil
What did Jesus give the people to eat?
How many books in the Bible?
To do what you are supposed to do is to
what were people doing in the temple that made Jesus upset?
Selling, cheating people
Who helped an injured man?
Good Samaritan
Who tried to walk on water towards Jesus?
Name the first book in the New Testament?
Another word for bravery.. starts with a c
who denied Jesus 3 times?
the servant was forgiven his debt but (did not, or did) forgive someone who owed him money
did not
One person came to be healed and came in the house in a different way?
through the roof
finish these verses: "He was raised on the third day....
according to the Scriptures 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
generosity means:
to give to others
who doubted that Jesus rose from the dead?
What did the woman lose in her house and she looked for it until it was found?
Who was raised from the dead by Jesus?
Finish this verse: For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not
perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16
to be faithful to our friends is to be (starts with l)
what was poured over Jesus' feet by Mary?
perfume, precious oil
What is a parable
a story Jesus told to teach a lesson
what did Jesus turn into wine
Name the longest book in the Bible
to be able to learn means you are (starts with t)
who washed the disciples' feet?