What elements are required on a professional work history verification?
Appointment dates, signature, and date.
Can we accept N/A response for Questions 9 and 10 for a non PSG credentialing?
No - review DOP and confirm privileges are selected then Incomplete for a re-evaluation.
What items on the license record should we update when receiving an active life support?
Status and effective/expiration dates
What are the minimum VA limits?
Can we accept "terminate date" on a verification?
Yes, if the letter indicates good standing.
Can a CRNA be a reference for an MD?
If you receive a life support with an expiration date of 03/25, how should we key that date?
Use the last date of the month - 3/31/25
Should we update COI dates if the certificate received is expired?
No, do not back date the record. Example, if you receive a policy that expired 12/31/2024. Do not change record.
Can you accept a verification that has a category as "Active" but a resignation date is listed on the verification?
Yes - if a resignation date is listed, we can accept the active category.
For Question 3 on the reference evaluation, can we accept APRN for a CRNA?
How should you process an ALS if there is an open ACLS?
ALS and ACLS are interchangeable. If you Receive a ALS you can go ahead, key the record, and N/A the ACLS.
What are the required items needed to verify a COI?
Provider, group/address, limits, effective/expiration dates, policy number, coverage type.
Should we pursue affiliation verifications for an APP while they worked as a RN?
How long is a peer reference good for?
150 days
What do you determine the expiration date for NIH Stroke Certification?
Depending on the test group indicated on the life support (see life support reference document)
Test Group A - 1 year
All other test groups - 2 years
How would you process a FL Fin Form if the provider is not bare?
Attach to carrier, rename to the FL Fin Form, and change the image type to "Other Correspondence"