Where has the National FFA Convention been held?
Indianapolis, IN
Kansas City, MO
Louisville, KY
What FFA Degrees can you achieve between high school and college?
Greenhand Degree
Chapter Degree
State Degree
American Degree
What Career Development Events are available to students interested in the Plant Science industry?
Floral Design
Nursery Landscape
What are each of the components on the FFA emblem?
Cross-section ear of corn
The Eagle
The Words
The Owl
The Plow
The Rising Sun
What types of FFA Awards Competitions can students apply for?
Star in Agriculture
SAE Proficiency
Agriscience Fair
What Career Development Events are available to students interested in the Forestry and Natural Resources industry?
Forestry Field Day
Wildlife Management
Land Judging
What are the primary parts of the FFA Official Dress that members must wear?
Official Dress Jacket/ FFA Jacket
White Button Up Shirt
Black Slacks/Skirt
Black Shoes
FFA Tie/Scarf
Who are the ag teachers that can commonly be seen at FFA events across Habersham County?
Mr. Newton
Mrs. Page
Ms. Stovall
Ms. Buchanan
Mr. Crump
Mrs. Crump
What Career Development Events are available to students interested in developing Leadership Skills?
Parliamentary Procedures
Prepared Public Speaking
Extemporaneous Speaking
Creed Speaking
Employment Skills
Conduct of CHapter Meetings
Marketing Plan
What are the primary offices that can be held at the Area, State, and National levels by FFA Members?
Vice President
What Career Development Events are available to students interested in the Agriculture Mechanics industry?
Agriculture Mechanics and Technology
Agriculture Technology and Equipment ID
EMC Wiring
Tractor Operations and Maintenance
Lawnmower Operations and Maintenance
What restaurants can you commonly find Habersham Central FFA Members during or after FFA Events?
Cracker Barrel
Texas Roadhouse
The Cottage House
What are the common species of livestock shown at the Georgia National Fair and the Georgia Junior National Livestock Show?
Beef Cattle
Dairy Cattle
What Career Development Events are available to students interested in the Animal Science industry?
Livestock Evaluation
Horse Evaluation
Dairy Evaluation
Poultry Judging
Meat Judging
FFA Summer Leadership Camp is known for what?
Mud Course
High Ropes Course
The Blob
Volleyball/Softball Tournaments
The Swim Meet
Team of the Week
Leadership Team of the Week
Talent Show