What is Latin for "voice"?
the Latin saying "nurturing mother"
What is alma mater?
What is the Latin singular nominative form of "day"?
the genitive singular ending of 5th declension nouns
What is -ei?
adventus, mater
What is Latin for "arrival, mother"?
the Latin saying "Head of the World"
What is Caput Mundi?
What is the Latin genitive singular or dative singular form of "faith"?
the noun case which is used to indicate the direct object of a verb
What is accusative?
canis, metus, caput
What is Latin for "dog, fear, head"?
the Latin saying "King of Kings"
What is Rex Regum?
the accusative singular form of the Latin word for "thing, matter, business, affair"
What is rem?
the genitive singular ending of 3rd declension nouns
What is -is?
manus, miles, cor, mos
What is Latin for "hand, soldier, heart, custom"?
Civis Romanus sum
What is the Latin saying "I am a Roman citizen"?
the genitive plural form of the Latin word for "harbor"
What is portuum?
the attributes that 1st and 2nd declension Latin adjectives share with the nouns they modify
What is "gender, number and case"?
crux, nomen, dies, panis, domus
What is Latin for "cross, name, day, bread, house or home"?
In choro recitemus
What is the Latin saying "Let us recite together"?
the ablative singular form of the Latin word for "father"
What is patre?
the noun case which is used to indicate the object of a preposition
What is "ablative"?