There's no place like home
The Wizard of Oz
Summer Olympics is held every 4 years. Name one time when they were cancelled?
WW1 or WW2
Rome, Italy
I'm sorry wilson
Cast Away
What is it called when a player makes 3 back to back strikes in bowling
Mt Everest
Blast this music! Its joyful and triumphant.
How the grinch stole Christmas
What sport do the Atlanta Braves play
Taj Mahal
You're gonna need a bigger boat
In professional Basketball, how high is the basketball hoop
Name one of the countries the Amazon River Flows through
Brazil, Peru, Columbia
There's no crying in baseball.
A League of Their Own
What was the nickname for the defensive line that took the Minnesota Vikings to the Superbowl
The purple people eaters
Worlds Largest Desert
Sahara Desert