What High School did MSG go to?
Lincoln High school
What does JROTC stand for
Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps
How many siblings do i have?
How many siblings do I have?
what is the 5th plant from the sun
What happened to me on OCT 1989
SF earthquake/Zoe Dad's house
What does the color BLACK represent on a map
Man made objects
what is my least favorite subject
What JROTC Special Team do I partake in?
What is the 5 signs a chemical reaction?
1. change in color
2. formation of a precipitate
3. formation of gas
4. change in temperature
5. change in odor
What famous island did I swim from (San Francisco)
What does S-4 duties and responsibility?
Logisitics and Supply
who was my NCOIC/ Pl last year
Justin ko
Which class is my favorite at ALHS?
World History
What is the equation for Kinetic Energy?
1/2 mv^2
What sports did I played at ALHS
Football / Track
What does the acronym "LDRSHIP" stand for? (Army Core Values)
Loyalty, Duty, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage
where did I go last summer
Who was my last years NCOIC or PL in RO?
Aiden Bolosan or Bolosan
what 3 factors make up the gas laws?
volume, temp, pressure
What year did I graduate?
Who is the Battalion Morale and Recruitment Officer? (BNS7)
Cadet Captain Ella Binsfeld
What is my favorite subject
I have none
Which City in the East Coast did I travel to over the summer?
New York City
In the equation PV=nRT what does everything stand for?
P= pressure (atm)
V= volume (L)
n= number of moles
R= 0.0821 (atm*L/mol*k)
T= temp