Which teacher lives the closest to Tiferet?
Rav Mayer
What is Wednesdays lunch?
How many towns are there in RBS
What is Esters second name?
Name the 3 rules in Rav Mayers house
Shoes off, cant serve yourself, and cant go into the kitchen
what was the first trip that Tiferet took us on?
Escape the room/ water tag
How long does it take to walk to smileys and back total?
15 min
For how many days had Esther not been called to the king before she went to him herself?
Where did Mrs. Stefansky go for High school?
What year was Tiferet started?
How much is A coffee and a muffin from holy bagel total (in american $)
Why do we read Hamans sons name in one breathe
Because they were all killed at once
What high school did Rabbi Rosner work at
How many years ago was the beis/classroom building built
around 4
How many stops are on the 617 bus (nachal dolev alef to the givat shaul/Weitzman stop)
23 stops
What’s the Hebrew date of Purim?
Yud Daled Adar
Name Mrs Schneiders kids name in age order
Eliyahu, Yedidya, Gitty, Meira, yechiel, Atara
What’s Tiferets motto on the website?
“A year to last a lifetime”
How many bus stops are there total in beit shemesh
Why is Purim a holiday that will never be nullified even when Moshiach comes?
Represents the Jews coming out of galus, so much Hashgacha pratis, and gives lessons that remain even in the times of Moshiach