Were the Ancient Egyptians expected to observe religious principles daily?
Which French leader was responsible for invading Egypt and starting a large interest of studying Ancient Egypt in Europe?
Napoleon Bonaparte
Who is the Egyptian King is famous for his rich tomb and famous funerary mask?
King Tutankhamun
What is a small area of land in the desert that has water and plant life?
Ba - the personality of the soul
Ka - double form spirit
Did the Ancient Egyptians believed in 12 parts of the soul?
No. They believed it had 9 parts.
Which of the following is the scientific study of the ancient Egypt that includes history, language, literature, and archaeology?
Who were the first group of invaders to conquer Egypt?
The Hyksos
What describes the flow of a river when it meets the ocean or the sea?
What are the Ib and the Khat?
Ib - the heart
Khat - the physical body, mummy
Who is the Supreme God of the Sun and Creator of the Universe?
What is the southern part of ancient Egypt called?
Upper Egypt
Who invaded Egypt during the New Kingdom Period?
The Sea Peoples
Is the Nile River predictable?
Yes! (remember, Ma'at - balance and harmony)
What was the name of the funerary complexes that replaced pyramids to house royal mummies?
Valley of the Kings; Valley of the Queens
Who is the god that is responsible for agriculture and the underworld "Duat"?
Who is the Sky Mother-Goddess of Kingship, Magic, and Protection?
Who was their son?
Osiris, Isis, and Horus
What are the languages found on the Rosetta Stone?
Hieroglyphic, Demotic, and Greek
Who is the New Kingdom King who was known for many building projects, statutes of himself, and for creating a capital named after himself
What is the Nile River Delta Valley?
Fertile land on both sides of the Nile River that is used for farming.
Which funerary monumental architecture was popular in Pre-Dynastic Egypt?
Who is the God of the Red Land that was once a Protector of Ra but then becomes evil when he kills Osiris?
What contributions did the ancient Egyptians leave for us today?
Pyramids, Mathematics, Astronomy, Hieroglyphics, Obelisks, Art - statues, wall paintings, pyramid and funerary texts; the Rosetta Stone; Mummies, etc.
Who was the pharaoh that forced Egypt to become monotheistic? What was the name of his sun god?
Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV)
How did Egyptian Civilization begin?
After the Ice Age ended, nomads settled on the Nile River Valley Delta and farmed, developing irrigation and building cities. Then they were conquered by local kingdoms.
What is the top of a pyramid or obelisk called that represents a hill made from waves during creation?