John Locke was a philosopher and thinker who greatly influenced American Government during this time period
What is the Enlightenment
American Colonists declared independence on this date (month, day and year)
What is July 4, 1776
Madison's theory of filtration meant that the citizens would vote for men who would later vote for these leaders
public officials
This article is the longest in the Constitution and tells Congress what they can and cannot do
What is Article 1
Having two legislative houses or chambers such as the house and the senate
What is Bicameral
This war led to the end of salutary neglect and helped lead the colonists to independence
What is the French and Indian War
This document promised the people we are all created equal, we are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and people form governments to protect these rights.
What is the Declaration of Independence
One of the biggest issues with how to write the constitution was to decide the roles of national government and this government
What is state government
In order to hold this position in government, according to the Constitution you must be a natural born citizen, at least 35 years old and chosen by electors for a 4 year term
What is the President of the United States
The supreme legislative body of a nation and especially a republic
What is Congress
This boundary was set by the British government which prohibited colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains and was a cause of American independence
What is the Proclamation Line of 1763
This man's Common Sense convinced Americans that they must gain independence to secure their rights
Who is Thomas Paine
This term meant that the power was divided between state and federal government and each would have its own sovereignty.
This clause gives Congress the power to make laws that are not explicitly stated in the Constitution
What is the elastic clause
An amount higher than a simple majority (50% plus one), typically three-fifths or two-thirds of the voters
What is a Supermajority
This statement became the motto of the American Independence movement and still to this day represents freedom
No Taxation without Representation
Violations of the right of representation, maintenance of a standing army and loss of independent court were all these presented in the Declaration of Independence
What are grievances
This plan represents small states, wanted a bicameral legislature
What is the New Jersey Plan
Which government body was deemed by Alexander Hamilton as being the least dangerous?
Representatives follow the expressed wishes of voters
What is a Delegate Representative
The American Revolution is unlike many others because the colonists were fighting for rights that they already had: true or false
True: due to Salutary neglect the colonists experienced a great deal of freedom up until the French and Indian War
This was the first constitution formed after independence
What is the Articles of Confederation
Bonus points if you can explain why it was considered a weak constitution
This plan represents big states and worked for a unicameral legislature
What is the Virginia Plan
This section of the Constitution was not originally in the Constitution but is extremely important to the peoples of the United States
What is the Bill of Rights?
Bonus Points if you can explain why it was not originally in the Constitution
The system established by the Constitution to elect the president; each state has a group of electors (equal in size to that of its congressional delegation in the House and Senate); the public in each state votes for electors; who then vote for the president
What is the electoral college