The harvest of wild rice is traditionally done in this season.
What is "fall"
This type of American Indians used the winter count.
What are the Dakota Indians or Plains tribes.
This is the song that happens first at powwows.
What is "grand entry"
The two ways to say "Hello" or "Hi" in Ojibwe
This movie was recently translated and dubbed into Ojibwe.
What is Star Wars or Anangong Miigaading?
Wild rice grows naturally in this type of environment, where water levels are shallow and vegetation is abundant.
What is a freshwater lake or river, with a muddy bottom
The material that he winter count be painted on.
What is a buffalo hide?
This is what's in the middle of the powwow circle.
What is a drum?
Its "Mino-gizheb" in Ojibwe.
Good Morning
Ojibwe people used this cycle to tell time instead of months
What is the lunar or moon cycle?
Its what you should do before you begin harvesting wild rice. You'd also do this after harvesting an animal.
Offer tobacco!
The person who would draw/paint the events on the buffalo hide
This type of dance is performed by women who wear shawls and twirl, symbolizing the graceful movements of a butterfly or bird.
What is women's fancy shawl dance?
In English, it's known as a Fisher (the animal)
What is "ojiig"
Ojibwe usually tells certain spiritual stories only in this season.
What is Winter
This step "cooks" the wild rice, browning it and drying it out completely.
What is parching?
A figure drawn on a winter count to serve as a symbol of one significant event chosen by the community to commemorate each year.
What is a pictograph or symbol
This type of dance style was created to help heal people.
What is "jingle dress"
It's how you would say, "I'm hungry" in Ojibwe
What is "Nimbakade
Europeans call it the big dipper. Ojibwe people call it this
What is "ojiig" or "the fisher constellation"?
This step removes the hulls from the rice. Usually, we have younger kids do this step.
What is "dancing", "jigging", or "threshing".
Winter counts were drawn left to right, and in this other type of pattern
What is a spiral?
This is the person who leads the powwow, announces events, and sometimes helps organize dances.
What is the emcee or MC
It's how you ask, "How are you?" in Ojibwe
What is "Aaniin ezhi-ayaayan"
This type of bag used to be worth as much as a pony.
What is a bandolier bag