Whose birthday is today?
Ms. Donna
What number state was Hawaii?
Where did the Pilgrims land when they came to America?
Plymouth/Plymouth Rock
How often do we meet for speech therapy?
3x a month
Which city had the largest birthday cake in the Guinness Book of World Records....... New York City or Las Vegas?
Las Vegas
What is the name of the traditional dance in Hawaii?
What is the symbol of freedom in the US? (2 answers)
Statue of Liberty and American Flag
What is the best part of speech therapy?
Learning to produce sounds (and playing games)
Which birthday do you become an "adult"?
Why can you not drive to Hawaii?
It is a group of islands surrounded by water.
What is the longest river in the US?
Missouri River
Name 2 body parts important in making the /R/ sound?
Tongue and lips
Which country started the tradition of putting candles on a birthday cake?
What fruit is Hawaii famous for?
What were the names of the armies in the Civil War?
Union (North) and Confederacy (South)
Tell the steps for saying the /TH/ sound
1. put your tongue between your teeth.
2. push air out
What day of the year has the least amount of people born?
February 29 (Leap Year)
What famous WWII battle was fought in Hawaii?
Pearl Harbor
What state can you find Mt. Rushmore?
Who is the coolest speech teacher?