where can people work because of new technology ?
people can work from home because they can do many things on a computer.
the company had to reduce its size because its profits had __________ over the past year .
a) shrunk
b) capable
c) guarantee
a) shrunk
why did the writer and his wife move to the contryside ?
they wanted to leave their coomfort zone and have a simpler healthier life
he is not __________ of lifting such a heavy box on his own .
a) capable
b) restriction
c) remote
a) capable
what did the writer gain and lose after moving ?
he gain a healthier life and more control over his time but he lost part of his social life and now works harder.
what is a synonym for * approximately * ?
a) excuses
b) roughly
c) initial
b) roughly
how did moving affect the writer social time and free time ?
he sees fewer people because there are not many places to go but he has more control over his time and does not worry about fashion or games .
what the synonym for * promise * ?
a) impress
b) remote
c) guarantee
c) guarntee
why you like to live in the countryside like the writer ? why oor why not ?
(open answer)
creat a sentence using * restriction *
there is a restriction on the number of people allowed in the building for safety reasons .