What does Lunar mean?
True or false, have sports been played on the moon?
What are Moon phases?
Different shapes of the moon that orbits around the Earth
What is the definition of emit
To give off
Why are there difference in temperatures?
Because the northern hemisphere is tilted away.
What does the moon do during a solar eclipse?
Covers the sun
true or false, is break dancing considered a sport?
True or False the Moon orbits the Earth 27 days
Does aluminum foil absorb or reflect
when it's summer in the northern hemisphere then what is it in the southern?
It is winter in the southern hemisphere
What does the Earth do during a Lunar eclipse?
The Earth covers the moon from the sun
What team in the Nba won the championship last year?
when the moon is half way its light what is it
First Quarter
What type of light does the sun emit?
It gives of all type of light
what do we experience when earth orbits the sun
What is Earth's orbit called?
What is the oldest sport?
What comes after the waxing gibbous
First Quater
What country has the highest rates of skin cancer
why are there differences in temperatures when the earth orbits the sun
when the earth rotates more the sun other hemispheres meaning either more or less direct sunlight
Earth's and Moon's shadow is called?
How many players are there in a football team?
11 players
after waning crescent whats next
new moon
What object is the only material that doesn't change from sunlight?
What is earth on that is causing different parts of the plant to receive a lot of sunlight through its orbit?