word budhi, meaning
“to wake up.”
The First Noble Truth
Life has inevitable suffering
Where Buddha was born
Lumbini Gardens
samsara is the cycle of
abstention from telling lies, from backbiting and slander
Right Speech
Buddhism can be traced to a founder
Siddhartha Gautama
The Second Noble Truth
There is a cause to our suffering
Where the Buddha found enlightenment
Bodhi Tree
The Buddha is a human who pointed to
his teachings
promoting moral, honorable, and peaceful conduct
Right Action
Buddhists reach what is know as
The Third Noble Truth
There is an end to suffering
Where the Buddha began to preach
Deer Park
According to the Buddha this is the best way
The Middle Way
mental discipline
Right Concentration
the Buddhist Community
The Fourth Noble Truth
The eightfold path helps end our suffering
One of the first three things Siddhartha saw when he left his home
Either an old man, a sick person or a dead person
A worship service to honor a deity
understanding of things as they are
Right Understanding
Sidhartha's parents were
A King and a Queen
Sidhartha was destined to be either a
King or a Holy Man
The 4th Noble Truth leads to the
Eightfold Path
I take refuge in the Buddha, I take refuge in the Dharma, I take refuge in the Sangha
The Three Jewels of Buddhism
Sweet smell reminds one of what good conduct brings