This System called for: National bank that provided a single currency for all of America
What is the American System?
He was responsible for James Monroe’s foreign policy decisions.
Who was John Quincy Adams?
Informal advisors who provided advice for Jackson in the White House Kithen
What is the Kitchen Cabinet?
Pride in a country.
He wanted Congress to pass a series of bills called the American System.
Who was Henry Clay?
The name of Monroe's Presidency.
What is the "Era of Good Feelings"?
One of the first American writers to gain international fame. Also published the book “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”.
Who was Washington Irving?
Loyalty to region over nation
What is Sectionalism?
Jackson rewarded supporters (Common People) with government jobs.
What is the Spoils System?
Infrastructure projects including roads, bridges, and canals
What is Internal Improvements?
Set the border between the USA and Canada at 49 degrees N. Latitude
What is the Convention of 1818?
Jackson forced natives to move west of the Mississippi River.
What is the Indian Removal Act?
Manufacturing/ strong federal government
What is the Whig party?
First highway that went from Cumberland, MD to Illinois. Also known as the National road.
What is the Cumberland road?
Died of pneumonia shortly after being elected. He served the shortest presidency.
Who was William Henry Harrison?
Pro-Agriculture state government.
What is the Democratic party?
The Erie Canal was finished being built in this year.
What happened in 1825?
Western Hemisphere was off limits to future colonization. Attempts to start colonies in the Western Hemisphere would mean war.
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
State power should be greater than federal power/ states could nullify federal law.
What is the States’ Rights Doctrine?
Southern states threaten secession if tariff wasn’t removed.
What is Tariff of Abominations?