This drug can be ordered as 650-1000 mg q8h until symptoms of pericarditis start to subside
First registered as a rodenticide in the US in 1948 and now widely used to prevent strokes and thromboses, this drug get its name from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation which funded it's discovery
Warfarin (WARF-arin)
This peptide drug, also found in insulin NPH, is used to treat heparin/LMWH overdose
Protamine sulfate
This pharmacist used to be a veterinarian technician
This direct anti-Xa anticoagulant is often used to treat non-valvular atrial fibrillation and venous thromboses
Rivaroxaban 2.5 mg daily can be used alongside aspirin for this indication
Peripheral artery disease
The brand name for this commonly used diuretic gets its name from its 6 hours duration of action
Lasix (LAsts SIX hours)
This beverage can be used as an antidote for antifreeze ingestion
This pharmacist has worked here since 2007 and is still a pharmacy resident according to their badge
This antibiotic can be used to treat hepatic encephalopathy
Up to 2.5 grams/day of metformin is sometimes used in this patient population
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
This brand name medication used to treat insomnia takes its name from Spanish to mean "good morning"
Ambien (AM-bien)
Beware of this additive used in lorazepam drips
Polyethylene glycol
This pharmacist played T-ball with NFL Super Bowl MVP Cooper Kupp
This monoclonal antibody is commonly used in oncology but has also been approved for several non-oncologic indications
Amlodipine 20 mg/day is sometimes used for this indication
Raynaud phenomenon
The brand name of this XL formulated DNRI is used to treat MDD and gets its name from its max daily dose of 450 mg
Forfivo XL (four-five-o) - bupropion
This antidote is used to treat valproic acid toxicity
This pharmacist is a triplet
This antineoplastic aromatase inhibitor is used to treat breast cancer
Arimidex (anastrozole)
Up to 17 mg of this trace element can be given for every kilogram of stool for patients with high ileostomy output
Meaning "without vomiting", this brand name combo drug is used to treat Parkinson's disease
Sinemet (sin = without, emet = emesis)
This strikingly-colored liquid is used as an antidote for ifosfamide-induced encephalopathy
Methylene blue
This pharmacist played college basketball
This SGA can be used to treat MDD and schizophrenia