The Book of Acts tells the story of the early followers of this person.
Before following Jesus, Saul spent his time doing this to Christians.
Persecuting Them
In the Great Commission, Jesus told His disciples to go and make these. (of people)
Disciples or teach them about him
T or F. Was Peter one of the Original 12 Apostles?
The ashes used on Ash Wednesday traditionally come from this.
The Book of Acts was written by this person.(Hint one of the 4 Gospel writers)
After seeing the bright light, this happened to Saul for three days.
Became Blind
What happened to Jesus after he gave the the Apostles the Great Commission.
Jesus ascended to heaven
What did Peter really think was happening when he escaped from Prison?
The 40 days of Lent don’t include these days of celebration.
This disciple was chosen to replace Judas Iscariot.
Name of the Lady that Paul met by a river while she was Praying?
What do we call the day that the apostles recieved the Holy Spirit?
Peter was miraculously freed from prison by this divine intervention.
An Angel
Lent lasts for this many days, symbolizing the time Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness.
40 Days
What group of people ruled the Jews and Gentiles during the book of Acts?
Roman Empire
After becoming a Christian, Paul traveled and wrote many letters. These letters are now part of this section of the Bible.
The New testament (13 books)
In the Great Commission, Jesus told His disciples to baptize people in the name of the Father, the Son, and this.
The Holy Spirit
Peter was arrested and thrown into prison by this king.
King Herod
Holy Week starts with day where we remember Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, when the crowds shouted "Hosanna!"
Palm Sunday
What happens to Paul at the end of the book of Acts?
He became a Martyr
This man helped Paul meet the disciples in Jerusalem when they were afraid of him
Who is Barnabas?
After receiving the Holy Spirit about how many people were baptized after Peter's sermon. (between 1,0000 and 5,000)
Where did Peter go after he escaped Prison?
Mary's House, Jerusalem, with other Believers
Name the 3 days of Holy Week we celebrate right before Easter.
Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday