What type of animal is Isabelle in "Animal Crossing: New Leaf"?
What is the tallest animal in the world?
A giraffe
What is the capitol city of the state of Texas?
Which is the hottest planet in our solar system?
"Kingdom Of Hyrule" is the main setting for which classic video game franchise?
Legend of Zelda
What is the only land mammal that can’t jump?
What is the capitol city of the country of Japan?
Which planets in our solar system would it be possible to walk on?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
What is the name of the fictional world that "Super Mario Bros" is set in?
The Mushroom Kingdom
Which mammal has the most powerful bite in the world?
A Hippo
What is the name of the tallest mountain in the world?
Mount Everest
What is at the center of the Milky Way galaxy?
A black hole
In the "Pac-Man" video game, What's the name of the orange ghost?
Under their white fur, what color is a polar bear’s skin?
What are the names of the five oceans of the world?
Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and the Antarctic
How many galaxies outside of the Milky Way can we see with the naked eye?