Amendment granting women's suffrage (right to vote)
19th Amendment
New York "Rebirth Culture" celebrating African American heritage
Harlem Renaissance
Drought and storm across the Great Plains
Dust Bowl
Low rent, multi-family dwellings in urban areas
phonographs, telephone, light bulbs are examples of
Creative Inventions
Journalist exposing filth in society
Increased Consumerism
Stock market crashed on this day
Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929
Ruthless industrialists who became wealthy by unethical means
Robber Barons
Built to move goods and people across the US
Transcontinental Railroad
Amendment banning the sale of alcohol
18th Amendment
2 forms of mass media for music and entertainment
Radio & Movies
Programs to help struggling Americans
New Deal
Business leaders who used their wealth to contribute to society
Captain of Industry
Coal, lumber, and iron ore are examples of
Natural Resources
Movement focused on social, moral, political, economic reforms
Increased popularity of boxing, football, tennis (e.g. Babe Ruth)
Sports Mania
Gambling with money people don't have
Immigration station located in New York City
Ellis Island
Chinese and Irish people moving to the US
Book exposing the meat packing industry and poor labor conditions
The Jungle
Airplanes and cars being used to move people
Fireside chats
Immigration station located in San Francisco Bay Area
Angel Island
Name an inventor
Henry Bessemer
Henry Ford
James Watt
Samuel Morse
Thomas Edison