This insect makes a buzzing sound because of its wings vibrating at 11,000 times per minute?
What is A mosquito?
What do you call fake spaghetti?
An impasta!
This tiny insect can fly backwards.
What is A hummingbird?
Nkasar el Fenjen?
Nkasar el shar
What year did the Titanic sink?
This giant sea creature is known for being the largest animal ever to have lived on Earth?
Why did the chicken join a band?
it had the drumsticks!
This food is considered a "vegetable" according to the U.S. government, even though it’s technically a fruit?
a5le2a 7elwe metl ema?
Tob jara 3a temma, btotla3 el bent la ema
Who is the famous civil rights leader who delivered the "I Have a Dream" speech?
Who is Martin Luther King Jr.
This animal doesn't actually exist, despite popular myth?
What is A unicorn?
What do you call a frog with no hind legs?
You're not you when you're hungry?
What is Snickers
Smala smala smala ebnee shu 7elo?
Erd b3een emo ghazel
Which actor played the role of Jack Dawson?
Who is Leonardo DiCaprio?
The human body is made up of around 60% of this essential liquid?
What is Water?
What’s a cheese’s favorite type of music?
This flower is known for its yellow petals and follows the sun’s movement during the day.
What is A sunflower?
hada be 2oul 3an zayteto 3kreen?
Which leader is known for his role in the Cuban Revolution?
Who is Fidel Castro?
This animal has a tongue so long, it can clean its own ears!
What is A giraffe?
Why do bees have sticky hair?
What is honeycomb?
This animal’s fingerprints are almost identical to human ones?
What is A koala?
bramna, brmana w rj3na nafs el ma7al ?
matra7 ma 5ere shana2o!
Which leader is infamous for his role in World War II ?
Who is Adolf Hitler?