What is the lowest point of a wave called?
A Trough
Compressions and rarefactions are characteristics of?
Longitudinal Waves
what is the period of the second hand on a clock?
60 s
What is a rarefaction?
A stretch
What is the horizontal distance between the crests or between the troughs of two adjacent waves called?
What is a determination of the depth of water using sound waves?
Echo sounding
what direction do compressions and rarefactions in a longitudinal waves travel in?
The same direction
What is the source of all waves?
The vibrating system with the greatest frequency has the...
Shortest period
What is the number of complete wavelengths that pass a point in a given time called?
What is the feature of sound that is affected by amplitude called?
A wave is a vibration in space or time?
A vibration
An electric razor in Europe completes 50 vibrations in 1 s. What is t he frequency of these vibrations?
50 Hz with a period of 1/50 s.
What is the distance from peak to the zero position of a wave called?
What is the mechanical waves that are caused by a vibration and can be heard by our ears called?
Sound wave
What direction does the vibrations of a transverse wave move in?
At right angles to the direction of the wave travel.
What moves from place to place in wave motion?
A wave of 60 vibrations per second travels 30 m in 1 s. Its frequency is?
60 Hz.
What is the unit for frequency?
What is the energy traveling away from a vibrating object called?
Along the direction of the wave travel
If you doubled the frequency of a vibrating object, its period is...
A boat at anchor is rocked by waves whose crests are 40 m apart and with wave speed 10 m/s. These waves reach the boat once every?
4.0 s