first 3 stations
middle stations
last four stations
symbols of the cross

In the first station, Jesus is condemned to death by this Roman governor.

Who is Pontius Pilate?


In the fourth station, Jesus encounters this person who helps him carry the cross.

Who is Simon of Cyrene?


In the seventh station, Jesus falls a second time. What might this moment represent spiritually?

What is the suffering of Jesus and his humility in bearing our sins?


This symbol is seen as a representation of Christ’s sacrifice, often worn by Christians to remember the Passion.

What is the cross?


In the second station, Jesus takes up the cross. What is the significance of this act?

In the second station, Jesus takes up the cross. What is the significance of this act?


In the fifth station, Jesus meets this woman who wipes his face.

Who is Veronica?


In the eighth station, Jesus is stripped of his clothes. What was done with his garments?

What is they were divided among the soldiers by casting lots?


The crown of thorns was placed on Jesus’ head as a mockery of his kingship. This symbolizes Jesus’ suffering and his role as the King of what?

What is the Kingdom of God?


In the third station, Jesus falls for the first time under the weight of the cross. What does this symbolize in Christian belief?

What is the weight of human sin and suffering?


In the sixth station, Jesus is met by a group of women who mourn for him. What does Jesus say to them?

What is "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children"?


In the tenth station, Jesus dies on the cross. Which two individuals are noted to have been present at the foot of the cross during this moment?

Who are Mary, his mother, and John, the beloved disciple?


This item is said to have carried the imprint of Jesus’ face after he wiped it with a cloth.

What is the Veronica’s Veil?
