where did noah and tysen last brush lips
coopers basement
what association did I play for
what is the best drink
why is my dog named dino
got him in drumheller (dino museum)
who was my grade 6 teacher
ms williams
Where was the question"wanna go get some water" first asked
Thalias basement
who is the sexiest nll cheerleader
Tristian Toronchuck
what is the best flavour of crush pop
cream soda
how old is dino
what div was I on my first year novice
div 5
where does the most attractive sibling reside
in noahs front door up the stairs, left, bedroom at the end of the hall.
Which former all saints teacher has a son on the roughnecks
Mr issacs
what is lean made out of
sprite, cough syrup, and hard candy
what were my cats names
randal and squirt
what is the best animated kids movie released in the last 2 years
the wild robot
where was the OG full group hangout spot during covid
Jennas basement
who is leading the nll in scoring
Curtis "Superman" Dixon
what is the last drink I threw up off of
what was my first dogs name
what christopher nolan movie did i watch in la this year
the pristeige
how long of a drive to callum (closest wins)
7 h 24 min
what is the dimensions of an nll net
4 x 4.9 feet
what drink did \i steal from my mom and bring
dillions small batch vodks
how many pets have i had in my life
what martin Scorsese film has the best twist
shutter island