Which obvious sound device is used in the line below, and which type of figurative language is also being used?
"The waves whispered and wandered, weaving tales of time."
Alliteration and Personification
Once upon a time
I caught a little rhyme
What's the difference between a Tercet and a Quintain?
Tercet is a three line stanza
Quintain is a five line stanza
A line having no end punctuation but running over to the next line.
_________ is the attitude or emotion conveyed by the author, the narrator, or the speaker in a piece of writing or speech.
This is an example of which sound device?
Norm in the farm took the garden by storm this morn.
I cannot be sure
But I think he is her paramour
A type of poem in which the speaker, who is clearly distinct from the poet, addresses an audience that is present in the poem.
Dramatic Monologue
What makes up iambic pentameter?
A rhythmic pattern that consists of ten syllables per line, with alternating unstressed and stressed syllables
What is an initial word or words to add emphasis?
In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the creature's eloquent speech is contrasted with his grotesque appearance. What literary device does this illustrate?
The evening whispers secrets to the Maid,
While shadows waltz beneath the voice he said.
"We are Seven" is what type of poem?
Does this line contain caesura? If so, where?
O could I lose all father now! For why
Will man lament the state he should envy?
Yes, after "O," after now, and after envy
What describes how word choice, subject matter, and the author's tone convey an overall feeling that characterizes the emotional landscape of a poem for readers?
What type of figurative language and sound device (one of each) are being used in this sentence?
Michael, with his red cap, was a rat, hiding his tracks up the political ladder.
What is Metaphor and Assonance?
I drove myself to the lake
and dove into the water
What is a fourteen lined poem that is divided into octave and sestet? Also, what is the rhyme scheme of the other type of poem we learned about?
Petrarchan Sonnet, also known as Italian Sonnet
The other rhyme scheme is abab cdcd efef gg.
The last two lines of a Shakespearean Sonnet are called what, and define the meaning of those last two lines.
Heroic couplet, which are two lines that rhyme, but they are also written in iambic pentameter
A term that refers to a specific, particular thing, as opposed to a term that refers to a broad concept
In the following excerpt, identify at least two instances of figurative language and two sound devices, explaining their effect on the overall meaning and tone of the passage.
"The thunder grumbled like an old man, as the wind whispered secrets to the trees. The rain pelted the ground, drumming a steady rhythm that matched the heartbeats of the storm."
Mrs. Belles will approve your answer!
Read the stanza below. Identify the type of rhyme being used at the end of the lines. Then, analyze, specifically, how the rhyme is contributing to the mood of the poem.
The moonlight spills across the stream,
Reflecting dreams that softly gleam.
The night is dark, the stars are few,
But in their light, the world feels new.
Mrs. Belles will approve your answer.
What is an ode?
A form of poetry used to meditate on or address a single object or condition
Identify one example of enjambment, two examples of end-stopped line, and one example of caesura in this excerpt from the poem "Bright Star."
"Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors—
No—yet still steadfast, still unchangeable,"
Mrs. Belles will approve your answer.
What is "the art of poetry" a form of poetry written about poetry?
Ars Poetica