Meaning of "Gu"
Means Darkness
This Guru wrote the Mool Mantar
Guru Nanak Ji (1st), Mool Mantar is the beginning of Japji Sahib.
This Guru taught us to respect nature
Guru Harirai Ji (7th)
5th Guru
Guru Arjan Ji
1st Guru
Guru Nanak Ji
Meaning RU
Means Light
This Guru started the city of Amritsar
Guru Ramdas Ji (4th)
This Guru wore two swords - Miri and Piri
Guru Hargobind Ji (6th)
7th Guru
4th Guru
Guru Ramdas Ji
Meaning of Guru
Guru is someone who helps you go from Dark to Light. Helps you learn.
This Guru made Gurmukhi the Sikh language
Guru Angad Ji (2nd)
This Guru created the Khalsa
Guru Gobind Singh Ji (10th)
8th Guru
Guru Harkrishan Ji
2nd Guru
Guru Angad Ji
All the Gurus believed in what?
This Guru compiled the Adi Granth, with writings from the previous Gurus.
Guru Arjan Ji (5th)
This Guru gave up his life so everyone can practice their own religion
Guru Tegbahadur Ji (9th)
10th Guru
Guru Gobind Singh Ji
9th Guru
Guru Tegbahadur Ji
How did the Gurus teach us?
They believed in Vahiguru, lived their lives as good human beings and taught us the same.
This Guru taught the Sikhs that everyone is equal. Both Men and Women are equal
Guru Amardas Ji (3rd)
This Guru became Guru at the age of 5
Guru Harkrishan Ji
3rd Guru
6th Guru
Guru Hargobind Ji