How many Women founded Pi Beta Phi?
What University faculty members house did Pi Phi move into?
The president
What are our fraternity colors?
Wine and silver blue
What are Pi Phis core values
Integrity, Life Long Commitment, Honor and Respect, Personal and Intellectual Growth, Philanthropic Service to Others, Sincere Friendship
What is our basketball coach's name?
Dusty May
The founders initially wore the arrow badge in their hair.
What is the name of the National Pi Beta Phi Magazine?
The Arrow
What is Pi Beta Phi's Fraternity flower?
The Wine carnation
What I-week activity do we have tomorrow?
Pink Party
At what college was Pi Beta Phi founded?
Monmouth College
How many consecutive years has our chapter been on Michigan's campus?
Who is our Directer of Fraternity Heritage?
How many children grow up not knowing how to read?
1 out of 4
what two teams played in the Super Bowl?
Philadelphia Eagles and Kansas City Chiefs
Name 6 founders
Ada Bruen Grier
Clara Brownlee Hutchinson
Emma Brownlee Kilgore
Fannie Ann Thomson
Fannie Whitenack Libbey
Inez Smith Soule
Jennie Horne Turnbull
Jennie Nicol, M.D.
Libbie Brook Gaddis
Rosa Moore
Margaret E. Campbell
Nancy Black Wallace
How many members occupy the Pi Beta Phi Grand Council?
What other women's fraternity joins Pi Beta Phi in the "Monmouth Duo"?
Kappa Kappa Gamma
What Pi Beta Phi tradition involves singing, candy, and desserts?
Cookie Shine
Fill in the blank of this sentence my 12 year old brother said to me over break:
"What the ___"
What was Pi Beta Phi's original name?
I.C Sorosis
When was Michigan Beta founded?
April 7, 1888
Who was the First President of I.C Sorosis?
Emma Brownlee
Name any Pi Beta Phi song
Ring Ching Ching, Ocean to Ocean, Take a Little Golden Arrow, Cookie Shine Song, Pi Beta Phi Anthem
What menu item did Taco Bell recently add a mini version of?